These are my links for January 30th through February 5th:
Please pay us for our news - please? Nieman Journalism Lab Pushing to the Future of Journalism: Sums up the argument for and against the paid content model and concludes that users never really paid for content anyway, and that newspapers must add some value to the news to be … valued.
Lab Book Club: Jay Hamilton, Chapter 2:As newsorgs rely on less and less sustainable business models, they become more and more biased. Ends with a call for the non-profit business model. -
NYTimes Exposes 2.8 Million Articles in New API - ReadWriteWeb: The New York Times seems to be moving towards establishing itself as a platform of news. Sharing all of it’s content in this matter is a good indicator that they ‘get it’
On Portfolio Reviews (part 2) (Conscientious): Good advice for getting a photography portfolio reviewed from a variety of people who do it. -
How to Save Your Newspaper | TIME: Didn’t we already have this debate? Paying for essential information doesn’t work. You can charge a niche audience, (a’la Wall Street Journal) but charging the masses just won’t work. -
Reflections of a Newsosaur: Newspaper-site traffic: Weaker than it looks: Engagement at newspaper websites is very, very low, averaging 27 seconds/user. That’s extremely low, and does not help sell advertising.“As of 2007, half of newspaper site visitors were 45 or older. By comparison only 34.4% of the U.S. population is 45 or older, according to the latest data available from the U.S. Census Bureau.”- Reflections of a Newsosaur: Newspaper-site traffic: Weaker than it looks -
How to grow local revenue, despite the ad inventory glut Nieman Journalism Lab Pushing to the Future of Journalism: A really good look at how to leverage new media tech to increase ad sales. More importantly, it calls for a re-examining of how ads are treated online — sell them with the same value as you sell…
Journalism 2.0 There really are new business models for journalism: A list of some new media orgs that are surviving in today’s economy with off-beat business models.
Nonprofit Newspapers: Worth a Try - Finance Blog - Felix Salmon - Market Movers - A good argument for the non-profit business model through examining an argument against. -
Clear And Effective Communication In Web Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine: States a lot of basics of web design, but it’s a good textbook like approach.
Mostly Gloom for Glossies - Interactive Graphic - New York Times infographic on the decline of ad revenue for a huge selection of magazines from 2005-2008
Why newspapers should manage more like Twitter and less like GM Nieman Journalism Lab Pushing to the Future of Journalism: “Let’s Find a New Idea. Let’s Be Willing To Shift Models. Let’s View Investing Into the New As More Critical Than Propping Up the Old.” A great analogy that argues for newspaper survival by moving…
Stop the irrational negativity: Newspapers are not dead | Steve Yelvington insists that Newspapers aren’t dead, they are evolving.
- News: The New York Times is thinking about charging for access to information. Here’s hoping it’s just talk.
Gazjango :: The Daily Gazette: The Daily Gazette’s of Swarthmore open source Django newspaper CMS -
I Hate Nature - David Attenborough -
I Hate Nature - David Attenborough -
Free strategic advice for the @dailyemerald: Good, positive suggestions here Daniel, but I have to disagree with one major point. The paper likely can’t afford to go to one-day-a-week in print. If the Emerald’s ad numbers follow the trend that… -
Why it's so hard to move print revenue online: The loss of scarcity Nieman Journalism Lab Pushing to the Future of Journalism: Advertising venues are now plentiful, newspapers are no longer a required middle man. Therefore: “It’s time to take a few lessons from Apple Computer.”
- :: Twitter news channel plans online expansion: BreakingNewsOn, a twitter news service expands to have its own website. -
War Paparazzi: Israel's War Against Hamas and Still Photographers - The Digital Journalist: An amazing story of photojs doing their job to the chagrin of the Israeli Army — reporting on a war.
szymon: -
Business cardas search result (fromjeffmcneill, via szulima) -
The Newspaper Website Pay Dilemma, Solved - Media Blog - Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media - Pure genius: Borrow from video games and limit the number of pageviews a visitor has to the site. Give them a life bar, and give them more lives the more they explore. Why not? Could be really cool. -
Reflections of a Newsosaur: Small publishers barely feel the pinch: Guess what? Hyperlocal works! Small papers are doing much better than the national-level.
The White House Spray - The Caucus Blog - 1 min video that shows what it’s like to photograph the president with the press pool. Spoiler: they DON’T get much time.
Syllabus for course studying news biz models:I’ve got a few more case studies for you:Politico: Say what you will about the content, but It’s perhaps the first true web-first business out there that also does print.Talking Point Memo/Daily… -
Davos09: What's missing in journalism? BuzzMachine: “One of the journalists complained that companies are so opaque they are hard to cover. “There’s not much a journalist can do, or anyone can do, when you don’t know what’s going on.” That’s true. And…
Rob Forbes on ways of seeing | Video on TED.comThis is why designers and photogs get along so well. Forbes, a designer, keeps talking about why his photographer represent good design. What he doesn’t realize is that he’s talking about why he’s made a good photograph. -
A modest proposal: 21,900 commercials for the price of 1:It’s crazy, but you’ve pitched me. If I had $3mil and a product, I’d do it.
Slumgullion: Stepping off: Joe Acton writes a sarcastic post on why journalism is so broken. -
Printing The NYT Costs Twice As Much As Sending Every Subscriber A Free Kindle: It’s more funny than anything right now… but it does prove the future is coming quick. All it will take is a device like the kindle, with more screen real estate, and print looks even less…
Natalie MacMaster: Fiddling in reel time
Roy Greenslade: Spanish frees close as advertising vanishes | Media | “Let’s face it, if readers want real journalism - news stories, investigations, coherent analysis, challenging polemic and sophisticated commentary - they will not find it in most of the freesheets…
Nick the Greek
Typographical response taken from the film, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
If Google Ran Your Business 26: Lessons from the Search Giant - BusinessWeek: A quick summary of What Would Google Do? by Jeff Jarvis